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Each morning, generally between late June and late December, lobstermen on the Maine coast go forth to check their lobster pots. This tranquil scene is just outside the breakwater at Kennbunkport just after sunrise.
Sony Alpha700, Tamron 28-75/2.8 (taken at 112mm, 35mm equivalent). ISO 200, f13/1000. Levels adjusted and cropped using Aperture 3.0, converted from color to B&W with NIK Viveza and Silver Efex 2.
Samuel M. (Pete) Purvis III
54 Sycamore Lane
Kennebunk, ME 04043-7177
(2 votes)
Outward Bound
proteus32 | Jan 12, 2014
Views: 229
Dimensions: 4272x2231
Size: 2884kb
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