Oriental New Seagull Black And White Paper
It seems the faster digital
imaging technology leaps forward, the stronger the rally becomes for
traditional cameras and sensitized materials. Regular Shutterbug readers
are aware of the new interest in rangefinder 35mm cameras--the
last one I owned was an SB UGLY "collectible" in the late
1970s--as well as the rise in popularity of conventional and even
antique photo processes. Black and white certainly has a new and secure
lease on life, with developing tanks and enlargers as plentiful as the
latest version of Photoshop. |
The variable contrast version
is the New Seagull Select VC-FB. This emulsion spans the full grade 0-5
range when exposed with dichroic heads, dedicated VC heads, or individual
filters, although testing and fine-tuning will naturally be required.
ISO speed/range varies from P100-400/R60-160 depending upon printing method,
and the paper must be handled (again briefly) under dim amber safelighting.
Care must be taken not to overfix New Seagull G or Select VC-FB so as
not to bleach the shadow areas, and natural or low-heat drying should
be used to prevent maximum density shift. The deep, rich image is beautifully
enhanced with selenium, a toner to which both smooth glossy papers take
exceptionally well. |
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