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The shore of the Pacific Ocean is not usually thought of as a winter wonderland.
However, last winter, when we were at the shore in our rented condominium at Depoe Bay, Oregon, the elements came together. Just outside our condominium, the sunset cast a beautiful pink glow on the water and ice surrounding the snow covered rocks. The result simply was idyllic. I used a Nikon D 7100 with a Nikkor Zoom lens (18-200 mm.) and a Cokin 3 step Neutral Density Filter. The camera was attached to a Gitzo Tripod and Arca-Swis Head. The ISO was 200, F/16, 1 second exposure, with a focal length of 29.
(2 votes)

Ocean Winter Sunset
Michel Hersen | Nov 9, 2014
Views: 529
Dimensions: 2400x1600
Size: 3839kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Winter Wonder

Submitted by wrhwr on September 9, 2015 - 3:06am