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The ceremony 'buat nah fai', or 'ordination before fire' is where young Thai men become novice monks. The hair and eyebrows are shaved as a symbol of purity and a ceremony is conducted before friends and family.
The novices learn the ten basic precepts, which range from the logical concepts of not killing and stealing, through physical abstinence from drinking, sleeping in comfort, having sex and accepting large sums of money, to those with slightly more obscure significances, such as not eating after midday, and not wearing watches, shoes and hats. Days are spent meditating, giving alms and accepting gifts of food from the public, who do this to 'make merit'.
I was lucky enough to take part in this ceremony from a close vantage point. This was my favorite picture from the series.
Taken in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
®2014 Jason Green and Soma Images --- http://www.somaimages.com