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Not a vegetarian
For an avid wildlife photographer, living in Canada, with its immense wilderness, can be a bonus. While driving along old logging roads I spotted a fox in the distance. Hoping to lure him closer, I threw an apple slice in his direction, which he proceeded to bury in the snow, as I watched through my 120-300 Sigma lens (with 2x converter). I was intrigued when he purposefully moved to another location and began to dig furiously in deep, hard-packed snow. I was stunned when he pulled out a desiccated squirrel, obviously buried some time ago. Parading his trophy in front of me, I thought I heard him say: Hey man! I'm a hunter and a provider; I don't need your vegetarian handouts!!! I guess I was told!
Photographed with a Nikon D-800E and a 120-300, f2.8, Sigma lens (with a 2x teleconverter).
Bernard Carrière