New Product Preview
The Photographic And Digital Times, They Are A Changin
It seems that every time the photographic industry gathers these days that there are proposals for radical changes in how we take and make our images. This year's PMA, held near world headquarters in Orlando, Florida, once again proved that people can always find new ways to reinvent the wheel. Our crack reporting team Bob Shell, Roger W. Hicks, Frances E. Schultz, Joe Farace, Peter K. Burian, and Robert E. Mayer reconnoitered the show floor all day and wrote into the night to bring you all the news on the latest gear. And although digital grabbed many of the headlines you'll soon see that there's more than digital in the photo world. You can only appreciate the hard work they did if you've ever attended such a show yourself. Upon entering you're met with all the sound and fury of the hucksters and the bad music and the glaring lights and you have three days to make sense of it all. But once again our team pulled the plums from the PMA pie and filed their timely and exciting reports in timely and exciting fashion. But chasing around the show floor is just part of why our reporters did their job so well. All of these folks have years of experience in photography and coverage of the photo industry. They are, we can say without sounding too prideful, the best in the business, and we are honored to share the same pressroom with them. Having people of this caliber makes our job here so much easier. That said, the following articles cover many of the products shown this year and due in stores soon. Unfortunately, it's impossible to cover everyone and everything, so our apologies to those we might have missed. Be assured that we will cover more products in upcoming issues of Shutterbug, and that many of the cameras, lenses, etc. that are merely highlighted here will be the subject of future comprehensive Shutterbug reports. Check out the magazine for in depth coverage of the PMA Reports listed below. Or visit the Past Issues section for June 2002 PMA Reports. |
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