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Carneros Region Swing Lens Pan by Leon Rafner.
The Carneros wineries are adjacent to the Napa Valley. Taken with Horizon 202 swing lens camera on 24x58mm negative, Fuji G-100 film. Exposure f11 1/125s mounted on a tripod. Scanned on Epson 4870 flatbed and cleaned in PShop. I tweaked the contrast a bit between the foreground and sky in PShop. I liked the soft rolling hills, and did not apply any additional sharpening to the image. Again, note the softness on the right side of the image from the Horizon lens slamming into the stop. Maybe using a very slow shutter speed with a neutral density filter would resolve the issue, but overall, it is fairly sharp for a relatively inexpensive 120 degree swing lens camera.
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Napa Caneros Region Swing Lens Pan
drnospame@yahoo.com | Aug 14, 2014
Views: 169
Dimensions: 2731x1134
Size: 4165kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Panorama