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My Princess
By Alexandra Ballough
Nikon D3000
AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor Lens
18-55mm, f3.5-5.6G
This picture wasn't planned. It was just a picture perfect moment. She was laying on the sofa, watching cartoons. There was a window over the sofa that you can't see. The light was pouring down on her. I got the camera, called her name, she looked at me and snap! I used a Nikon D300, focus length 55mm, f5.6, shutter speed 1/80, ISO 400. I framed it with Photoshop to add more softness.
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My Princess
ABallough | May 14, 2015
Views: 18
Dimensions: 2075x1535
Size: 763kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Great Lighting