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In late December 2013, the frigid weather we had been experiencing let up just long enough for huge mountains of snow to melt a bit. Sadly, the respite wouldn't last long and it was back to Arctic-like temperatures--Lansing used to be in Michigan, not Alaska. The cold returned fast enough to transform the dripping water back into ice, creating a spectacular scene.
At the time, I didn't know I'd be moving to Texas 7 months later so this likely would be my last opportunity to photograph winter like this. I'm just I was home to capture the moment!
Photographed by Justin Droba using Pentax K-5IIs and Pentax M 50mm f/4 Macro at ISO80 and 1/250s. As the lens is fully manual, f-stop was not recorded in the EXIF but is highly likely to be f/4 taken at close focus distance (12" or less).