More About Striker

More about Striker

Two bits of rather bad news. I should have been able to guess both.

Releasing captive crayfish is not recommended. It’s forbidden in many areas. Apparently, the quasi-domesticated critters—those sold for academic study—could be a different species than the native variety. There’s a real risk of diddling up the ecosystem. It would be just my luck to get busted for introducing an exotic aquatic superbeast into the languid environment of Bergen County, New Jersey.

I did some research because I began to wonder how Striker might fare out on his own; in the little farm pond; far away from the big bag of Shrimp Pellets. Not that I was worried about him, you understand. Things could turn out bad for him, I conjectured. I’ve seen some very big fish in that pond. Not to mention ducks, swans and other omnivores. But I learned that things could be even worse for the indigenous clan of crustaceans who have been living there for many years. There are recorded instances where foreign crayfish have reproduced and overrun the native population. (Trust me—I couldn’t make up something like that.)

I’m glad I that investigated the ecology of this exoskeleton. At least now I know why he looks at me the way a teenager looks at a cheeseburger. Crayfish will eat just about anything, including each other if given the opportunity. After molting, they eat the shell they shed, if allowed to. See? I’m not kidding when I say Striker thinks I’m on the menu.

I also learned that pet crayfish have been known to live for a year—or even longer—if given reasonable care. Reasonable care includes a cold water rinse and a gentle scrub down with a soft toothbrush. Try to imagine my delight when I received that information. Oh endless joy.