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A composite of images taken from my back yard during the lunar eclipse, 10.07.14. Hawaii Island.
Moon exposures: Auto focus on full moon using center focus point, then set to manual. Manual Aperture set @ f11, 55-200mm Nikkor DX VR @200mm. Bracketed Shutter Speeds set Manually based on Histogram evaluation, ETTR.
Leaf exposure: Auto Focus Assist Illuminator enabled focus using center focus point, then set to manual. Manual Aperture set @f11, 55-200mm Nikkor DX VR @165mm. 1/60 Manual Shutter Speed. Shoe mounted flash output manually adjusted based on Histogram evaluation, ETTR.
Nikon D300, iso 200, Nikon MC-30 Cable Release, Manfrotto 3021BPro Tripod w/Manfrotto 410 Jr. Gearhead, Center column in Horizontal position. LumoPro 180 Manual Flash.