LetsGoDigital Goes Photokina!

The LetsGoDigital team is once again present at this year's important Digital Imaging show: the Photokina 2004 in Cologne, Germany. A 'live' report is brought to you directly from the 'Koelnmesse'. More than 1600 exhibitors from 45 countries are exposing their products and an amount of 160.000 visitors are expected from 140 countries.

Also the press is well represented; 5300 journalists, coming from 66 countries, which underlines the importance of this international show for imaging. The opening times are: from Tuesday September 28 to Sunday October 3; daily from 10.00 a.m. to 06.00 p.m. This trade show, held every two years, is the largest show in the field of digital imaging and offers a complete overview of all imaging media, imaging technologies and imaging markets. All well-known brands are exposed here.

The LetsGoDigital team brings you the new introductions, the highlights and an overview from the boots from different brands, live from the show floor of the Photokina 2004, Cologne, Germany! Make sure you don't miss it, keep following the news closely, the LetsGoDigital team is ready to roll!

Visit http://www.photokina-show.com/