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Things are not always as they may appear from a distance. I had always thought that these drops were on spider webs. Upon taking a closer look, I learned today that they, most times, are hanging onto the floating seeds from dandelions, milkweed, etc...
It is amazing how strong and resilient these delicate transporters of life really are. I learn much from my walkabouts in the natural world. Those lessons are not lost when dealing with the divisiveness amongst humans. When we do not take the time to look closer, we may mis-judge. We should all stop, slowdown, and be open to what is not always readily apparent. I believe that we, as a human race, have the same hopes for mankind. The election of one man, one party, does little to change the world that we live in. The change that we all hope to see in this world will never come from the top down, it comes from the ground up. Spread love and acceptance in your circle of friends, your neighborhoods, your towns and cities. Love does trump hate, I challenge you to be that change. Canon 6D, Hasselblad Makro Planar. Shutter speed 1/320, F4, 120mm, ISO 400.