Kelby’s Portrait Photography Tip: Lower the Headroom for Better Composition (Shutterbug Video)
Here’s another Shutterbug video from Scott Kelby with a simple but important tip for anyone who shoots portraits. In the video Kelby explains why changing the amount of headroom space above your subject will help you create a more attractive portrait.
This portrait photography composition how-to to is just one of several tips videos we’ve been featuring from Scott Kelby on Shutterbug’s YouTube channel. Here’s a previous video where Kelby explains how to geotag your photos when your camera doesn’t have GPS, and this video on how Lightroom can automatically sort images by date for you. Here’s another recent Kelby video for Shutterbug where he explains how to easily get rid of chromatic aberrations in your images. And finally, check out this video where he explains how to use horizon lines in landscape photography.
You can read Kelby’s column “Ask a Pro” here. And don’t forget to subscribe to Shutterbug’s YouTube channel.
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