How to Use Vintage Lenses on Modern Cameras with Adapters that Cost as Little as $10

If you love the look and affordable prices of vintage lenses but have no idea how to use them on a modern camera, the below video from Mark Holtze is for you. In the clip, Holtze shows you how to use these classic lenses on your current DSLR or mirrorless camera using adapters that coast as little as $10.

“Given the new wave of mirrorless cameras coming down the pipe, these old 35mm SLR lenses present an amazing opportunity for photographers old and new to experiment with fast prime lenses,” Holtze says. “This is a big deal because accessibility in the craft is important and you can get some outstanding and unique results with lenses that cost under $100.”

In the clear and well produced video, Holtze shows you how easy it is to adapt vintage lenses and start shooting unique images right away.

“If you're new to photography, vintage lenses are one of the best ways to learn,” he notes. “Having access to fast prime lenses that won't cost as much as the body of your camera opens many doors.”

Watch his video below and then visit his helpful YouTube channel. Using vintage lenses on modern cameras is a popular topic on Shutterbug. Here are three other vintage glass on modern camera stories we have featured recently:

Our Top 10 Vintage Lenses to Use on Digital Cameras

How to Mount a Vintage SLR Lens on a DSLR: A Simple Guide

The 10 Best Vintage SLR Lenses to Use on DSLRs