How to Quickly Learn to Shoot Better Boudoir Photos Now: 8 Tips

Here's how to get better as a boudoir photographer fast. Check that: here's how to get better as ANY type of photographer fast. Los Angeles-based pro Michael Sasser has eight tips on how you can improve quickly as a photographer whether you're shooting boudoir, sports, or landscapes.

"Today what I want to take about with you is how to improve your boudoir photography fast," Sasser says in the below video. "Now this doesn't have to be boudoir photos, it can be wedding photos, headshot photos, flower photos, origami photos. There is no silver bullet when it comes to improving your photography instantly. And doing any one of these things just once won't catapult your career but I found that by keeping up with them consistently, doing a little bit of them, each of them, over and over and over again, will improve your photography much faster. Each of these are things that I've personally done and piece by piece it's helped me get to where I am today."

Here are Sasser's eight tips, which he explains in the below video employing his usual blend of wit, wisdom, and practical advice.

#1 Shoot More

#2 Learn from YouTube

#3 Shot List

#3.5 Something Sweet

#4 Try and Fail

#5 Share More

#6 Find Inspiration

#7 Consistent Images

#8 Accountability Buddy

Watch the video below and, if you want more help, go visit his YouTube channel, which is one of the best places on the Internet to learn about boudoir photography for free.