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My name is George Shearer. The image of the Bend was taken on an air flight to Las Vegas, Nevada at between 20,000 and 30,000 feet.
I used a Nikon D-80 camera with a Sigma DC 18-125mm, 1:3.5-5.6 D lens F Stop of F/8. Exposure time was 1/500 sec. with an ISO of 125. Exposure bias of -0.7 step. Lens set at a focal length of 42mm and aperture set on priority. White balance on manual.
The image was worked up in Adobe Elements 12 and a little Photomatix to arrive at the final result.
The category for this is Gorgeous Landscapes. I saw it not listed below.
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Horse Shoe Bend, Ari. From High Above
george shearer | Mar 9, 2015
Views: 9
Dimensions: 2228x1231
Size: 1609kb
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