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This photo was taken with a Canon 5DM3 camera with a 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS II lens mounted on a monopod with a lens skirt on the lens. The settings were 1/250 second, f8, ISO 400.
The lion cubs expression is priceless and is what makes the photo so adorable.
This photo was taken at the Indianapolis zoo about 5 months after 3 lion cubs were born. The photo was difficult for two reasons: first, one viewing point had a very dark chain-linked fence set back about 2.5 feet from a people barrier. This prevented using the trick of placing the lens on the fence and using a large aperture. Second, the only other viewing point was protected with a plexi-glass viewing panel that was smudged and reflected light and images from the people side of the barrier. The solution was to clean the plexi-glass with a moist wipe and by using a lens skirt on the lens.