Great capture; good isolation. It would be nice to see what this exposure would look like with the bird moving towards the middle of the frame... (i.e., bird more in the left third with negative space in the right of the frame), as opposed to being in the middle of the frame.

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Great Blue Heron, was building his nest in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park near Cleveland Ohio in March of 2014
Nikon D610,,Nikon 28 to 300mm lens
shot in raw f/5.6 at 1/800sec, iso 1600, focal length 300mm, WB/auto
edited in ps/cc and Nik filters to sharpen, reduce noise and white balance
The male heron was gathering sticks and returning them back to the female at the nest. By using f/5.6 it gave me good separation from the trees in the background
(3 votes)

Great Blue Heron
Bill Berris | Jan 30, 2015
Views: 72
Dimensions: 2217x1742
Size: 1336kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Wildlife and Nature