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This bank was taken on the morning of 13 February 2011 using a Canon 5D MII with a 16-35 mm/f2.8 lens at 16 mm. The camera was supported on a Gitzo tripod with RRS ball head. The exposure was 1/325 sec at f/14, ISO 400. It was brilliant blue sky. No filter was used. The image was converted to BW using Niks Silver Efex software with minor editing to burn and dodge as needed. This image to me would be far better suited printed as a black and white image. I knew the sky would be rendered naturally very dark and the dark red bricks with the light toned sandstone would contrast well.
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Granbury Bank
tgrimes | Jan 7, 2014
Views: 151
Dimensions: 533x800
Size: 270kb
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