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This photograph of a young Golden Eaglet is one of my favorites due to the difficulties in taking along with the results of a perfect pose by the eaglet chick standing in the nest which was in a 50-inch diameter Ponderosa pine 90 feet above the ground. Mother eagle had just brought in a freshly-caught ground squirrel to feed her chick as I was sitting on a large tree branch (in the process of hauling my camera gear up from the ground to 'set up my studio') just a few feet below the nest. This image is one of a weekly series from egg to leaving the nest, but the perfect feathering stage to showcase the young bird as a black & white image; however, with a lot of luck involved of a perfect pose, as the young eagle tire quite quickly and usually sit down at this age.
The image was captured on Tri-X film using a Linhof 4x5 Technika, Schneider 150mm Symar lens with Ascor flash for fill lighting. Exposure: 1/30th sec f/14.