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One of Ireland's "Fairy Trees". Ireland is steeped in myth and legend and you will occasionally see these lone trees plonked in the middle of country fields. Legend has it that these trees are home to Fairies and if anyone dares to chop them down they will forever be struck down with bad luck. Although these legends are part of Irish culture, you will have to look long and hard for an Irish man or woman who see them as more that myths, a legacy of the fantastic storytelling Ireland is proud of. We are however, like every nation on this planet somewhat superstitious and you'll also have to look long and hard to find an Irish man or woman who would actually cut down one of these trees and to be honest why would we!!! This magnificent specimen is 240 years old and overlooks many miles in all directions. Shot(s) taken with Nikon 50mm 1.8G on Nikon D610, 18 shots (6 x 3 brackets) with zero bracket being f11, ISO280, 1/30. All low, medium and high brackets stiched together in Lightroom CC, then the 3 pano images stiched together in Lightroom CC also. Converted to mono using Nik Collection and further detailed editing in Photoshop CC.