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Never one to pass up a good junk yard, I pulled off the road and announced to my son for the 15th time that day that I had to get just one more photo. The groan from the backseat was expected, but thankfully he found the subject matter ( lots of junk) more interesting than the various landscapes I had pulled over for earlier in the day. I originally saw an old train passenger cabin, all rusted out and placed up on boards. While shooting the various angles of the cabin, I noticed a bunch of tires stacked in a row resting against the end of an old flat bed trailer. When I was done with my shots, I instructed my son to go to the end of the tires and stick his head in the opening of the one at the end. I crawled under the back of the flat bed and lined up the shot looking out toward him. I liked what I got, it kind of looked like my son in a loony tunes opening! When he moved away the light shot through and I ended up taking a few more with the light filing the space at the end.