Explore the Dramatic B&W Street Photography of Pulitzer Prize Nominee Richard Koci Hernandez

Richard Koci Hernandez considers himself a “visual journalist,” and he’s widely recognized for his stark, dramatic B&W street photography that conveys his sense of composition and a gritty, curious view of society. His work has appeared in major newspapers and magazines both here in the U.S. and abroad.


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He was twice nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his work at the Mercury News in San Jose, CA where he served as Deputy Director of Photography and Multimedia.


A photo posted by Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci) on

When asked to describe his imagery, Hernandez says, “Think of a black-and-white photo from the 1950s.” adding, “I feel the most alive when I am photographing, and street photography forces me to focus on the present moment and just witness the passage of time.”


A photo posted by Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci) on

Hernandez is also an experienced instructor, having taught workshops for Stanford University, the National Association for Black journalists, the National Press Photographers Association, and the USC Annenberg School for Communication. He’s also an Assistant Professor of New Media at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.


A photo posted by Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci) on

Based in Oakland, CA, Hernandez says he strives to find beauty in the ordinary, and the unexpected in the mundane. “While looking through the viewfinder,” he notes, “life on the streets become a vibrant art form.”


A video posted by Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci) on

You can see more of Hernandez' great work on his website and Instagram page. And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram at @ShutterbugPix where we’re sharing our favorite photos from our followers.