Excalibur SPC1600
Strobe And Studio Systems Softboxes Easy Setup And Satisfying Results
Like most photographers, I've got a bunch of lights and all kinds of light modifiers lying around. I've got softboxes, umbrellas, and assorted parabolic reflectors. They range in color from white to silver, gold to flesh colored. Most of them just languish in a corner someplace or hide for years in a light case. You get used to working with a particular lighting system, and everything else becomes a seldom-used piece of equipment that only sees the light of day under special circumstances.
I hear you saying, "Great Steve, but this is a test report, when are you going to tell us about these lights and modifiers?" Well, patience, there's a reason! You see, one of the reasons I stopped carrying around my softbox was because it's a big pain in the butt to take apart and put back together. Then I saw an ad in Shutterbug for this square and octagon shaped softbox that worked just like an umbrella. Cool! Just open it like any umbrella, pop it onto your light, and you're ready to go. If you want to travel with it, just take it off, collapse the umbrella, and hit the road. A double whammy! No sooner had I said to myself "I gotta see these babies" than my editor called and asked if I could do a test review on them, plus this nifty little light they had. It's like fate!
First, let's look at my favorite piece, the octagon box. It now has a permanent home in my studio, and it's not hiding in some dark corner. My two favorite things about it? Its size and shape. As a portrait photographer, I prefer round catchlights in the eyes. They are much more pleasing than the square ones caused by softboxes. Maybe it stems from the fact that the sun is round and we're always trying to replicate what the sun does. That could be it, I just know I like it better and it seems lots of other people do, too. Plus, it's nice and big (37" across) so it creates a nice "wraparound" effect when used in close. This creates a very soft transition from highlights to shadows that most portrait photographers find flattering. It's also big enough to do full-length portraits without a great deal of light falloff from head to toe. A little bit is nice though, acting as a natural vignette. The softbox I got was the 27" size (27" on each side of the square). It's a good size for photographers who would like to use it as a main light but still use a strong fill. It works great for emphasizing the face while having a pretty strong light falloff. Those used to working with parabolic lights would most likely enjoy this size box, since the character of the light is between that of a parabolic and large softbox. |
Front Mounting Setup & Operation |
Dual-Power Light |
The modeling light, which does not function in DC mode to conserve power, is only 60w. I thought that would be a major problem in the studio, but since the light shoots directly through the box and does not get bounced around in it, it was adequate for judging my lighting pattern. You can control both the flash and the modeling light in 1/4, 1/2, and full power modes. I'm sure you'll be wanting to use the full power setting most of the time for most purposes. Prices for the softboxes are $174.95. The light is $219.95, adapters are $12-$25, depending on the model. The Excalibur 1600 AC/DC strobe and Studio Systems softboxes are distributed by BKA (Brandess-Kalt-Aetna Group). Contact them by phone: (847) 821-0450, fax: (847) 821-5410, or web site: www.bkaphoto.com. |
· Output: 160
ws Editor's Note: Right at press time, Excalibur released the SP1600C, a compact version of the system reviewed in the article. See their web site for additional details. |
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