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I photographed this beautiful owl during a middle school presentation in Centennial Colorado. I used a Nikon D600 with a 50mm 1.8G lens, Sb-700 flash (off camera) with a rogue flash bender and a phottix trigger. There were lights on in the room, along with several windows, but I really wanted to isolate the owl, so I underexposed for the light in the classroom, (ISO set at minimum of 50, shutter speed of 160 and I believe I had the lens stopped down to around f-11) I then used the flash to light my subject....all while the handler was busy giving the presentation. If you look closely you can see his glove as he was holding the bird. I'm just glad that the owl was curious enough about me to pose for this portrait!
(5 votes)

Eurasian Eagle Owl
Rob Bratsch | Apr 18, 2014
Views: 463
Dimensions: 3135x3990
Size: 1855kb
Filed Under: Flash & Strobe