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"Convergence and Divergence:" This was my first time exploring West Fork in Oak Creek, Arizona. The trail is notorious for its multiple water-crossings required to make one's way through its winding path. I am not so confident with such crossings. Therefore, I often went away from the "designated" rock-lined path that most others were using to accomplish this feat (much respect to them for their agility and bravery!), and through diverging from the beaten path, I often found not only a shallower crossing (much easier for me than trying to step precariously on mostly submerged rocks with rapidly rushing water coursing through), but found amazing views like this one. These detours were a bit away from the crowds and provided views that I would have completely missed had I stayed on the main path. This one depicts the convergence of lines created by the almost-cavernous rock walls that towered above and the foliage that dotted its surface, with a bit of autumnal hues decorating the leaves.