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A Lenticular Cloud event. The previous day I took pictures of a smaller Lenticular Cloud at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park with a hand held 35mm film camera. I ran out of film and didn’t think I had any keepers. On the drive home I glanced back in the rear view mirror at sunset and witnessed the lighting effect of the setting sun on the underside of the cloud - chalked it up as a missed opportunity.
The next day I didn’t look up at the sky until later in day and to my surprise - the sky was filled with lenticulars of all shapes and sizes! Packed my gear and drove down the road for a better view of the sky. The cloud overhead was so huge there was no way I could frame it with the wide-angle I had with me. Looked towards Hilo and spotted some “smaller” ones with possibilities. Drove to this spot, set up the camera and started to make exposures just before sunset. The wind suddenly picked up and seemed to paint the shape of the mountain on the underside of the lenticular.
View from Lili`uokalani Gardens, Hilo, Hawaii. (Hilo Bay in foreground, Mauna Kea in background.) Graflex Xlrf with GG back and RH-8 film holder. Rodenstock Grandagon 58mm, f5.6 @ f16, 1/4 - 1sec. Kodachcrome 64 -120. Slik Pro 700DX Tripod, Cable Release, Calumet 7X magnifier, ZoneVI Dark Cloth.