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Photographer:Linda Kooluris Dobbs
Camera:Nikon D300S
Nikkor AFS.Zoom 24-70mm
Shutterspeed 1/320
Converted with Aperture software to BL/W.
While my husband Kildare Dobbs was very ill and I was primary caregiver, I stopped painting for four and a half years. Fortunately, I had another outlet, which was that, five years ago, I was asked to photograph the Canada Salsa Congress, which at age sixty I discovered I could do. I entered with an open heart not having expectations. I had never thought before then to merge my knowledge of dance from being around my mother a renowned Isadora Duncan dancer and dancing all my life since I was three (for pleasure and exercise only I must say) and my visual knowledge. It gave me quite a boost and kept my spirits up during the difficult moments and the loss of my husband. I continue to photograph Latin American dancers in competition, performance and rehearsal.
I have photographed all my adult life, but only came kicking and screaming to computers and digital shooting 10 1/2 years ago.