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This squirrel lives around our neighborhood in the wild. He displays great curiosity. I have photographed him and other squirrels around our house many times. Wanting a different look, I decided to use them as models and watch their impromptu acts with various display props. Of course, unlike a real model and being a wild animal, I could not ask them to move in a certain area or how to react with my still life arrangement.
I bought this computer accessory from Amazon. The glass mirror reflects who is using the keyboard. In my front yard, I arranged the small computer on a tiny stand with a black poster board for the background. Then, I had to wait and see if and how the squirrel would respond.
After countless images, this one photo caught the squirrel at its best illustrating its enormous inquisitiveness. When my husband saw it, he immediately said: “it looks like he is checking out “Squirrelbook.”
Captured with a Canon 5D, Mark III with a Canon 100-400mm lens, f/5, 1/2500, ISO 640.