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Myself, and a few other photographer friends, went to a local park where there are many different birds that are accustomed to people and easily photographed. After spending most of the day photographing cardinals, blue jays, chickadees, and woodpeckers, we started to walk back to the cars when one of the photographers noticed a bunch of birds that had just landed in some nearby bushes. We walked closer and noticed that they were cedar waxwings. This particular bird moved to this branch that was a bit higher than most of the branches. I maneuvered my self to a point where I had the nice blue sky for a background and captured this portrait. Once I uploaded the image to my computer I noticed all the colors in the birds feathers, most of which weren't nearly as visible from a distance.
The camera was a Nikon D800 with a Sigma 150-600 contemporary lens at 480 mm focal length. The aperture was f/25, the shutter speed was 1/800 second, and the ISO was 2000.