Love the effect of the water, what shutter speed/lens did you use?

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Taken outside Thunder Mtn ride at D-land in California. Was strolling down this path and thought it was a good shot. Please feel free to comment. Thanks.
(2 votes)

Catch that Train
seanandkatie | Jul 28, 2007
Views: 1151
Dimensions: 801x533
Size: 319kb
Filed Under: Shutter Speed Effects

Submitted by SeanG (not verified) on August 6, 2007 - 2:45pm
Hello, snowape. Thanks for the rating! I used the standard lens with my canon xti. You have to go with a very small aperture, f18 or smaller depending on the amount of available light because you will be using a slow shutter speed. You need 1/6 second or slower to get a great effect. Put your camera in manual mode and make sure you have a tripod or very steady surface, I used a railing, and shoot away.