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When the air is calm, sometimes I practice macro on the Sweet Almond Bush.
Many different types of flying insects love it, especially B & W Honey Bees!
Just joking, I got carried away with negative saturation here, that is probably not the correct way to describe it, I just like the finished product! Also it was post processed so hard the meta data is buried somewhere.
*** JUST FOR FUN ***
Sony a6000
Digital Zoom + 26mm of extension tube used.
F/ I don't know.
1/500sec or higher for sure.
ISO around ?
Snapseed used!
(1 vote)
Photographer: JP Gregg
JP Gregg | Sep 15, 2023
Views: 486
Dimensions: 4500x4500
Size: 5081kb
Filed Under: Shutterbug Photo of the Day