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Bodie Jail Cells
Bodie, California
Only one prisoner has ever been known to escape from this jail in the ghost town of Bodie, California. The town peaked in the 1880s as a gold mining town. It was known as being lawless and immoral. One young girl after finding out her family was moving to Bodie, wrote in her diary "Goodbye God, I'm going to Bodie". You cannot enter the buildings in Bodie and I had to take this photo from the outside looking through the bars.
Olympus E-P1, 17mm, ISO 100, f/16, 6 seconds
James Houston
(1 vote)

Bodie Jail Cells
Photographer: James H
rxdoc00 | Oct 14, 2014
Views: 288
Dimensions: 1125x1500
Size: 343kb
Filed Under: Picture This: Backlight