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I've been on a quest this past year or so to capture images of birds in flight. I've learned that it is far more difficult to do this with small birds than it is with large birds; like eagles or egrets. Small birds move so fast that it's nearly impossible to find, focus, and follow them during their flight. I set up an amount of bird seed on a feeder that was positioned to the left of a large tree. The blue jays would see the seed and land in the tree before coming down for the seed. I'd pre-focus my lens on manual focus so the focus point didn't move, and, as the bird came in for the seed, I'd fire my camera on continuous mode, hoping that I'd catch him in focus and in the frame as he landed. This is one of many images I captured using this technique.
The camera was a Nikon D810 with a Sigma 150-600 contemporary lens at 200 mm focal length. The aperture wa f/8, the shutter speed was 1/1250 sec, and the ISO wa 1250.