Bad Photos in Manual Mode? Flip the Dial & Do This (VIDEO)

So you finally tried shooting in Manual mode after listening to all the noise from so-called "purists" and surprise; the images you captured were far from impressive. What's up with that?

According to one of favorite instructors, "It's just not true that you have to use Manual mode and in today's video I'm going to explain a couple ways you can use other modes on your camera to get better results." Jalen Oban is a landscape pro whose tutorials include gear tips, shooting techniques, and controversial advice that dispels popular myths like he does in the episode below.

Oban says that "understanding the different shooting modes  on your camera can be a gamechanger for your photography." In barely seven minutes he breaks down the difference between Manual mode, Aperture Priority, and Shutter Priority, explores how each option works, and how to choose an appropriate mode for the specific situation at hand.

As you'll see, Oban insists that Semi-Automatic modes are far easier to use. He also explains why Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority can provide more creative flexibility in various situations. His suggestion is simple: "learn these before experimenting with Manual mode" and forget about all the naysayers.

Oban dismisses the fully Automatic mode for a variety of reason that boil down to this: You're giving up too much control—especially because a camera never knows exactly what you're trying to achieve. Then there's Manual mode at the opposite end of the spectrum where you have total control of all three key exposure settings—Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO.

According to Oban the Semi-Automatic modes enable you to easily express your creative vision depending upon the f/stop or shutter speed you select. So why is Manual mode  considered the "Holy Grail"" Oban says, "Manual mode works great when lighting conditions remain the same, or you have ample time to mess around with settings without missing a fleeting shot.

Oban provides a few practical examples like astrophotography when Manual Mode is the way to go, but his overriding point is this: "There are many situations under which Manual mode can actually hurt you despite what the pros say," and he walks you through what they are.

By now you probably get it that Oban is a big fan of shooting in Aperture Priority or Shutter Priority depending upon the task at hand. But there's a very important qualification; namely, it's essential to do so in the proper way. In the second half of this lesson Oban demonstrates exactly how to get the job done effectively and with confidence.

There's much more for outdoor photographers to learn by visiting Oban's instructional YouTube channel, so be sure to do that when you have time to explore,

And speaking of ineffective images, don't miss the tutorial we featured earlier with another accomplished pro who demonstrates seven beginner post-processing mistakes that may be spoiling your photographs.