The “Old Guard” Honors America’s Fallen Heroes at Arlington National Cemetery

Every Memorial Day weekend for the past 60 years the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, known as the “Old Guard,” has paid homage to America’s fallen heroes by placing American flags by the graves of service men and women at Arlington National Cemetery. As always, the photos of this “Flags In” ceremony are a poignant reminder of the sacrifices some make for our freedom.

This year’s event took place last Thursday, and in less than four hours soldiers placed flags in front of some 228,000 headstones at Arlington. The Old Guard was named the Army’s ceremonial unit in 1948 and each year every available member participates in the Memorial Day tradition.

After taking a moment to reflect upon these images, you can see more by visiting the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment’s Facebook page.

The flags are removed after Memorial Day, but the memories linger.