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Ron Leach  |  Nov 28, 2022  | 

What if we told you there are six easy Lightroom tricks that can turn good images into great ones? If that sounds too good to be true, watch the nine-minute tutorial below from our friends at The Phlog Photography YouTube channel.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 23, 2022  | 

Landscape photography is challenging enough, with ever-changing light, weather concerns, and complex scenes, that the last thing you want to do is to spoil your effort by making unnecessary mistakes. In the tutorial below you’ll learn how to confront errors that limit your chance of success.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 23, 2022  | 

Cropping photos is easy, right? You start with either a horizontal or vertical photo and trim it a bit to get tighter or remove distracting elements. Of if you want to be really wild (and have enough resolution) maybe you crop in a way that transforms a portrait orientation into a landscape perspective.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 23, 2022  | 

Curves is a very powerful and sometimes misunderstood ingredient for processing photos, and it’s not limited to Photoshop and Lightroom. In fact, just about any image-editing application you use likely includes a Curves tool.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 22, 2022  | 

If you’re in the market for an ultra-wide lens you’ve probably noticed they’re available in two basic configurations; fisheye and rectilinear. So what’s he difference, and which type best suits your needs?

Henry Anderson  |  Nov 22, 2022  | 

Boudoir photography is like other forms of portraiture in many ways. Composition and accurate exposure are important, and precise focus is a must. But flattering poses are particularly critical when shooting boudoir because the ultimate goal is a sensuous result.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2022  | 

Good photographers are always looking for ways to make their images stand out from the rest, and one way to do that is by trying something different. In the tutorial below you’ll learn an easy way to do exactly that with a basic introduction to multiple exposure photography.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 21, 2022  | 

As one of our favorite pros insists, “Lightroom’s histogram is one of the most important things to understand in photography.” If you’re new to this powerful tool, the beginners guide below from our friends at The Phlog Photography will get you up to speed in barely eight minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 18, 2022  | 

Everyone knows how shutter speed, aperture, and ISO interact to arrive at properly exposed photos. But nailing exposure is only part of the challenge if you want to create images with maximum impact.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 18, 2022  | 

One question I’m frequently asked is, “Are you a natural-light photographer or do you use flash?” All too often that query stems from a popular misconception that using supplemental light is too difficult or confusing for mere mortals. As you’ll see in the basic tutorial below, nothing could be further from the truth.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 17, 2022  | 

Many landscape photographers never leave home without a polarizing filter, and consider this simple accessory almost mandatory for everything they do. But as you see in the eye-opening tutorial below, one pro says polarizers may detract from an image in certain situations—depending on the specific scene at hand and the mood you want to create.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 17, 2022  | 

Many photographers prefer shooting portraits outdoors so they can avoid the hassle of supplemental light. The problem, however, is that even the slightest hint of wind can cause flyaway hairs to intrude on a model’s face.

Deborah Sandidge  |  Nov 17, 2022  | 

The photography essayist, critic, and historian A.D. Coleman once said that the biggest mistake photographers make was “thinking that what they’re experiencing is what they’re capturing in the photograph.”

Ron Leach  |  Nov 16, 2022  | 

Sooner or later all photographers hit the doldrums, and completely run out of fresh ideas. The next time that happens to you, try shooting abstract images using the tips and tricks you’ll learn in the tutorial below.

Ron Leach  |  Nov 16, 2022  | 

If you’ve decided to take a crack at landscape photography you know there’s a lot to learn for capturing impressive images. That’s why we recently posted a beginners guide with some great tips for shooting outdoors.
