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Ron Leach  |  Feb 22, 2023  | 

Adobe updates their software frequently, with powerful new headline-grabbing features and tools. That’s a good thing for all of us, with one exception: sometimes we get so excited about all the new stuff that we forget about tools we used with great success in the past.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 22, 2023  | 

Achieving accurate results during the editing process is sort of like rolling the dice if not you’re not working with a correctly calibrated display. In fact, you’re probably better off with a cheap monitor that’s properly calibrated than with a high-end display that’s not.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 21, 2023  | 

There are times when photos of a beautiful outdoor scene appear flat and dull, and that could be due to bad light, incorrect camera settings, or a myriad of other problems. You can always return on a better day, with your camera configured properly, but why do that if you can transform an unimpressive image into something really special with a few quick adjustments in Photoshop?

Ron Leach  |  Feb 21, 2023  | 

As manufacturers continue to introduce cameras with higher and higher resolution, many photographers are confused by conflicting advice about the key differences been models with maximum megapixel count and those with more modest sensors. As a result, many shooters are unsure of what camera to buy next.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 17, 2023  | 

If you’re just getting started in landscape photography there’s plenty to learn for capturing dynamic images. The tutorial below will accelerate the learning curve with a very helpful checklist of the “best practices” to use.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 17, 2023  | 

Do you want to make perfect masks in Lightroom and get the job done in half the time? If so, you’ve come to the right place. The Lightroom hack in the tutorial below is so simple that it only takes five minutes to explain.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 17, 2023  | 

Some photographers shy away from employing presets when editing their work because of a misconception that they’re difficult to use. Nothing could be further from the truth, and as you’ll see in the quick tutorial below, you can even create your own custom presets with ease.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 16, 2023  | 

Earlier this month we featured a tutorial explaining why low ISO settings can ruin the photo of a lifetime. Today we have another video contradicting conventional wisdom, and you may discover that you’re been making a simple mistake all along.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 16, 2023  | 

Most photographers are always on the lookout for effective editing tips that shorten the time they spend sitting behind the computer. The goal, of course, is to finish post-processing as quickly as possible and get back out in the field doing what we all love most.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 15, 2023  | 

Many of us received a lot of advice when first getting started in photography, as is common whenever one embraces a new pursuit. And much of what we were told was based on conventional wisdom that’s been around for years.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 15, 2023  | 

As one of our favorite landscape photographers insists, “contrast is a crucial aspect of photo editing.” That’s because this key variable helps define the relationship between different tones and colors in an image.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 15, 2023  | 

Understanding the power of selections and how they interact with layers is very important if you want to achieve maximum results when editing images in Photoshop. There are several ways to get the job done, some more precise and complicated than others, as you’ll see in the comprehensive tutorial below.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 14, 2023  | 

The tutorial below addresses a question we receive often; namely “What the heck is electronic first curtain shutter, and why would I use it over the mechanical or regular electronic shutter?” If you’ve wondered about that yourself take a look, because pro David Bergman clears up all the confusion in just about 10 minutes.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 14, 2023  | 

You don’t have to be a professional portrait photographer to make flattering people pictures that make you and your subjects proud. In fact, sooner or later someone who knows you have a camera will solicit your expertise for photographing a party, wedding, or simple family images.

Ron Leach  |  Feb 13, 2023  | 

Here’s a distressing problem that we’ve all encountered in the past: You come across a beautiful scene at the right time of day, the light is gorgeous, you brought the right gear, and can’t wait to view the “epic” shots on your computer. But alas, even though you nailed exposure and composition, all your images are unsharp.
