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Ron Leach  |  Dec 20, 2016  | 

As this year draws to a close, it’s time to share another wacky video from the frequently inebriated guys at TheCameraStoreTV as they reveal their picks for the best and worst camera gear of 2016. Chris Niccolls and Jordan Drake also let you in on another important choice: their favorite beer of all time.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 19, 2016  | 

Back in 1987, the Knoll brothers created a program they called “Display” that was intended for creating special effects in films. A year later they renamed the product “Photoshop,” and after showing it to Adobe the iconic brand was born.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 19, 2016  | 

Shutterbug columnist Scott Kelby recently gave a great lecture on the ethics of portrait retouching, and offered some valuable tips on how to improve your people pictures without making your subjects look fake.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 19, 2016  | 

Have you ever wished you could get precise autofocus when using vintage, manual-focus lenses on a modern digital camera? Well, now you can thanks to an innovative adapter from Techart that lets you use classic lenses on Sony E-Mount bodies. Our favorite Weird Lens Guru Mathieu Stern was even able to hack this adapter to deliver crisp AF with a 120-year-old camera. as you can see in the video below.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 16, 2016  | 

Peter McKinnon is an award-winning Canadian photographer, and like many pros he’s often had to rig something up in the field to solve a problem. In the quick video below, McKinnon shares eight simple hacks that can get you out of a bind in a hurry.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 16, 2016  | 

While everyone here probably has a good understanding of how to arrive at a proper exposure by manipulating aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings, a quick refresher is always helpful. The short video below provides just that and includes a few other important bits of technical advice on how to capture high quality photos.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 15, 2016  | 

Japanese folklore holds that the Gods will grant a single wish to any person who can fold 1,000 origami paper cranes. Inspired by this legend, Australian photographer Colin Anderson created a photograph paying homage to Sadoko Sasaki, a little girl who was 2 years old when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 15, 2016  | 

This is the time of year when many of us are frantically searching for last minute Christmas gifts and this quick video from the Cooperative of Photography (COOPH) offers nine clever, do-it-yourself projects for making some fun and meaningful gifts at home.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 14, 2016  | 

Whether you’re a photo enthusiast or a working pro, Photoshop is such a comprehensive tool that it offers many features that you may find unfamiliar. In this comprehensive video tutorial, you’ll learn how to use 30 key features that can make a big different in your work.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 14, 2016  | 

Light pollution is not only the bane of astronomers, but it seriously impedes the work of photographers who love to shoot images of starlit skies. In this short film from National Geographic, you can learn more about the ways in which this serious problem affects our world.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 14, 2016  | 

We frequently share images of Earth shot by astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). But this 4K ultra high-definition video is a bit different because it was made inside the ISS to give you a mind-bending tour of what is the largest artificial body in orbit.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 13, 2016  | 

Here’s an intriguing slow-motion macro video illustrating the hidden beauty that’s revealed when you cut ordinary objects in half. The folks at Macro Room did just that, using objects like vegetables, a shoe, and even an old digital camera, and the results are pretty interesting.

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 12, 2016  | 

Well now if this isn’t incredibly frustrating! Susan L. Angstadt, a staff photographer at the Reading Eagle in Pennsylvania spent all day Friday preparing to capture the spectacular demolition of some local smokestacks for the newspaper only to get “photobombed” at the last second by a guy with an iPhone who leapt in front of her.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 12, 2016  | 

Marcus McAdam is a professional landscape photographer from one of the world’s most picturesque locations—Scotland’s Isle of Skye, which offers everything from mountainous terrain and intimate fishing villages to medieval castles. The helpful 6-minute video below is the third in a series by McAdam that will definitely make you a better landscape photographer.

Ron Leach  |  Dec 09, 2016  | 

Star filters provide a unique look to your nighttime images by turning specular highlights and pointed light sources into stars. They’re particularly handy this time of year for photographing indoor and outdoor holiday decorations, and you can make one yourself by watching the video below.
