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Henry Anderson  |  Aug 21, 2020  | 

You could say that photographer Anita Sadowska has had a lot of fun in the sun lately. The photography tutorial below is Sadowska's third on how to shoot portraits in the non-optimal conditions of direct sunlight.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 20, 2020  | 

The art of capturing sensuous boudoir photographs needn’t be complicated, nor does it require a fancy studio outfitted with expensive gear. As you’ll see in the following video, all you really need—apart from your camera and a lens—is an attractive model, one continuous light, and a nearby window. Best yet, you can get the job done in the comfort of your home.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 19, 2020  | 

Telephoto lenses can come in handy for landscape photography when you want to add some variety to your standard wide-angle scenic shots. Using a telephoto correctly for landscapes, however, can be tricky for some beginner photographers.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 18, 2020  | 

One great to improve our photography skills is by learning from past mistakes. But an even better approach is to learn from a pro that has made numerous mistakes throughout his career. That way you don’t have to make them yourself.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 18, 2020  | 

The sunny days of summer are drawing to a close, and overcast autumn weather is right around the corner. That means numerous opportunities for capturing the moody days of fall. In the video below, you’ll see how to shoot fantastic photos once the evening temperature drops and fog rolls in across the morning landscape.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 17, 2020  | 

A hack, by definition, is a tip or trick for a way to do something more quickly and more effectively than usual. Portrait photographers looking to immediately add some extra spice to their images during the editing process would be wise to check out these three Photoshop hacks from portrait pro Justin Laurens

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 14, 2020  | 

Everyone is being forced to a get a little more creative lately with their photo shoots because of the pandemic. One photographer who is pulling out all the stops with her creativity is Anita Sadowska who has adapted to the difficult current conditions quite swimmingly, pun intended.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 13, 2020  | 

One of the keys to a great portrait is to create separation between your model and the background, to minimize distracting elements and direct the viewer’s eye to your subject. This is particularly true when shooting outdoors where cluttered backgrounds are common.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 12, 2020  | 

We could all use a bit of fun these days, and for Shutterbug readers there’s no better way to get some than with a camera—especially if you can capture fascinating images in the process. Sound good? Read on.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 11, 2020  | 

Do the colors in your photos look flat and dull? There's an easy way to fix that so that the colors pop and look much truer to life. All it takes is a little simple Photoshop magic.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 11, 2020  | 

If you’ve seen the classic 1973 film “Day for Night” you’re no doubt familiar with the cinematic technique, popularized by director Francois Truffaut, of making imagery shot during the day look like it was captured at night. And with a few quick steps in Lightroom, you can do much the same thing with your photographs.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 10, 2020  | 

As the saying goes "If you don't make mistakes, you don't make anything." Or, in other words, when you're doing creative work, it will always result in a few mistakes. On the other hand, sitting around doing nothing, is the only way to avoid mistakes.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 07, 2020  | 

One of the most essential parts of portrait photography, particularly when working with models, is the art of posing. But which poses work, and which do not?

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 06, 2020  | 

Last week she discussed how to shoot attractive photos in unflattering lighting and this week she's back to show you how to capture portraits in, perhaps, the least flattering light of all: direct sunlight. In the tutorial below, photographer Anita Sadowska shares her favorite tips and tricks for shooting portraits in the harsh sun.

Ron Leach  |  Aug 06, 2020  | 

The great thing about bird photography is that it’s an accessible activity you can pursue close to home at a local park or nature center—or even in the privacy of your backyard. And if you want to take a drive to a nearby forest, lake, or seashore, even more opportunities abound.
