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Henry Anderson  |  Jun 09, 2022  | 

How low can you go? That’s what pro photographer Andrew Boey of Beyond Photography asks in the below tutorial where he advises you to try shooting from low angles, sometimes really low angles, to give your portraits a unique look.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 09, 2022  | 

Photoshop’s Free Transform tools handle a number of important tasks, and they do so with precision. This feature enables you to alter an object in a variety of ways, by rotating, scaling, flipping, or distorting a selection with relative ease.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 09, 2022  | 

Most photographers are gadget freaks and love buying useful accessories, especially when they can’t afford a new camera or other expensive gear. In the video below we’ll help you scratch that itch, with “must have” gadgets that are easy on the wallet.

Henry Anderson  |  Jun 08, 2022  | 

You may think you know Lightroom, but do you really know Lightroom? Software pros have been using Adobe Lightroom for so long they know some editing secrets you can only dream of.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 08, 2022  | 

Experienced photographers are always on the lookout for distracting background elements that can ruin a photo. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to find a different vantage point from which to shoot that excludes the offending junk.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 08, 2022  | 

Amidst the ongoing race for the latest and greatest gear, some photographers minimize the important role they play when it comes to capturing great images. Hence the adage, “It’s the photographer, not the camera, that makes a photo.”

Henry Anderson  |  Jun 07, 2022  | 

Bear spray is your friend. That’s the message from a terrifying video showing a photographer being stalked by a black bear in the woods in Canada only to turn the tables on the animal with a well-placed blast of bear spray.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 07, 2022  | 

It’s not often we stumble upon a single checkbox in an image-editing program that will automatically safeguard all your image files down the road. But that’s exactly what you find in this one-trick tutorial, and if you’re a Lightroom user we suggest you activate this feature today.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 07, 2022  | 

Iconic photojournalist Robert Capa once said, “If your images are not good enough, you’re not close enough.” That’s why many of us try to shoot as close as possible to our subjects and fill the frame.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2022  | 

Summer offers many opportunities for landscape photographers, one of which is dramatic lightning that often accompanies thunderstorms this time of year. With a few basic techniques for photographing electrical storms, it’s easy to capture truly epic landscape images.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 06, 2022  | 

While we all strive to capture awesome photos in the camera, it’s often possible to make a great shot even better with a few post-processing enhancements. But image editing is a mixed bag, and you can actually degrade a nice photo if you’re sloppy on the computer.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 03, 2022  | 

Photoshop has so many capabilities that there are often several methods for accomplishing the same task. As a result, it’s common to wonder why you should use one tool instead of another.

Henry Anderson  |  Jun 02, 2022  | 

Posing tips, tricks and how-tos for plus size women have been popular with Shutterbug readers so here’s another great tutorial on the subject. This one is coming to you from plus size model and influencer Ashley Lopez who shows you “how to pose for pictures as a plus size woman.”

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2022  | 

You’ve no doubt marveled at the beauty of starlit skies, and scenes with the sparking Milky Way are among the best. Many photographers pass up these great opportunities, thinking that astrophotography is beyond their skills.

Ron Leach  |  Jun 02, 2022  | 

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, “destructive editing” occurs when you process an image in a way that overwrites the original file and there’s no way to undo the adjustments once the image is saved. In other words, if you make a mistake, you’re out of luck.
