Photo Bag News

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Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jul 12, 2018  | 

Two giants of the camera case industry, Think Tank Photo and SKB Cases, have collaborated to create the SKB Flyer Series, a lineup of hybrid camera transport solutions that have broad appeal and manifold applications for every ardent photographer.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 27, 2018  | 

Photographers young and old love photo backpacks. Small wonder: they’re easy to carry, as durable as a mountain goat, and they hold a ton of gear. Photo backpacks are available in hundreds of styles and colors, and at every price point. Which to choose? Here are our picks of seven new camera packs that run the gamut from economical to luxurious.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jun 21, 2018  | 

Summer is the best time to think of winter things. If you’re a skier, snowboarder or an ice adventurer of any kind, you’ll love this photo backpack from newcomer NYA-EVO.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  May 03, 2018  | 

Ardent photographers all have at least one thing in common: we all need a way to carry our gear. Think Tank Photo offers a very wide variety of carry solutions, including one category you may have overlooked.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 26, 2018  | 

With the exception of a birthday cake or sand castle, few Americans have the opportunity to own something that is handmade. The new Bannoch photo messenger bag from Glasgow-based Trakke Ltd combines style, functionality and handcraftsmanship to create a true luxury experience. Keep this on your radar for Mother’s Day (13-May this year), Father’s Day and June Grads. If you want to present a gift that will last a lifetime, think stinging nettles.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Apr 05, 2018  | 

In time for spring and blooming with features, three of your favorite camera bag manufacturers unveil their new lineup. If you’ve outgrown your current carry solution, need a new bag for that new gear or just plain want to try something new, here’s the place to start. Because after all, who couldn’t use another camera bag?

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Mar 01, 2018  | 

Things were tough during the Stone Age. No camera bags; no photo backpacks, either. Some citizens were so starved for visual stimulation that they resorted to painting stick figures on the walls inside their caves. Others just bided their time, waiting to evolve.

George Schaub  |  Jan 24, 2018  | 

Shutterbug, a member of the Technical Image Press Association (TIPA), once again joined forces with 30 other member magazines from around the world to choose the winners of the annual TIPA Awards for the best photo/imaging products in 40 different categories. The award process began in early 2017 with an initial selection of a wide range of products conducted by TIPA’s Technical Committee, on which Shutterbug’s Editor-at-Large George Schaub serves. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 18, 2018  | 

What can you buy for $29? A quick Google search suggested charcoal-based tooth whitener, a pair of crappy slippers and a few other bits of future garage sale fodder. I already have slippers, so I checked out a few major camera retailers to see what sort of camera bags are available for less than 30 smackers. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 04, 2018  | 

There is something about genuine leather that says durable and luxurious. The Trafalgar Camera Bag Collection from Gillis London is that and more. For a camera bag that is timeless and distinctive, look no further. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 14, 2017  | 

Perfect for holiday giving or for the camera gear you receive as a gift, here are five photo backpacks priced at $35, $79, $99, $149 and $199. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 07, 2017  | 

For years I’ve evaluated camera bags, photo backpacks and other camera carry solutions using a multi-point matrix that considers characteristics like comfort, durability, accessibility and protection. Once in a while a bag comes along with features that blow apart my sophisticated chart. Introducing Shimoda, a line of photo backpacks that demand a whole new classification. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Oct 12, 2017  | 

If you’re serious about climbing or hiking you’re familiar with Mountainsmith. They’ve been a player in the outdoor equipment industry for nearly 40 years. The Mountainsmith TAN series, designed with help from world renowned photographer Chris Burkard, is their latest entry in the world of photo backpack carry solutions. What do they bring to the party? Innovative design, superior durability and products crafted from real-world experience. 

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 28, 2017  | 

Sling-style photo bags are one of the most versatile and comfortable ways to carry your cameras and lenses. Think Tank Photo upped the convenience level a couple notches when they introduced the TurnStyle series a few years back. In addition to providing easy conveyance and protection for your gear, the TurnStyle models are designed to rotate from back to chest, providing instant accessibility to the contents. Think Tank Photo has raised the bar once again by overhauling the lineup and introducing Version 2.0.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 21, 2017  | 

You know the brand Gitzo for their world renowned tripods. The company is 100 years old this year and they’re celebrating their first century by now offering camera bags worthy of their reputation for innovative design and meticulous craftsmanship
