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 |  Feb 01, 2004  | 

The former Audio Video Interiors magazine names former Mediaweek and Cable World editor Bill Gloede as editorial director, and relaunches as the authority on home and personal technology and "The Digital Lifestyle."Primedia has announced The Connected Guide To The Digital Home, the first consumer magazine dedicated entirely to adopting and...

Theano Nikitas  |  Aug 01, 2001  | 

If you're an instant gratification junkie--by nature or by profession--portable mini printers give new meaning to the word instant. Edwin Land knew what he was doing when he developed Polaroid's instant print technology way back when, but with...

Robert E. Mayer  |  Jan 01, 1999  | 

The recently introduced Pentax 67II medium format SLR camera extensively updates the original model Pentax 67 which was introduced in 1969 by incorporating today's technologies. This resulted in improved performance, excellent maneuverability and...
