Medium Format Camera News

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Cynthia Boylan  |  May 13, 2015  | 

The video embedded below, which was posted just a few days ago by photographer Andrew Jamieson, of Andy Creative, lasts just four minutes and seventeen seconds but it’s already making photographers on the Internet go crazy with nostalgia over the glory days of film.

Dan Havlik  |  Apr 10, 2015  | 

Some photo assignments require you to bring out the big guns. And when it comes to digital photography, there are few bigger guns than medium format systems. More digital SLR users have been making the jump to medium format now that several new models are equipped with CMOS sensors that can capture relatively low-noise images at high ISOs, shoot photos more quickly, and capture HD and even 4K video. Combine these handy features with the massive amount of resolution and extremely high image quality you get from the huge imaging chips in medium format camera systems, and there’s no better time to go big. Here’s a look at the latest cameras and lenses from five major medium format brands.

Dan Havlik  |  Mar 30, 2015  | 

Phase One Industrial has announced the Phase One iXU 180, which the company says is the world’s smallest and lightest 80-megapxiel medium format aerial camera. The Phase One iXU 180 weighs less than 34 ounces and can fit in the palm of your hand.

Edited by George Schaub  |  Mar 24, 2015  | 

Ricoh Imaging’s Pentax 645Z is a “medium format” digital camera with a 43.8x32.8mm CMOS sensor, 1.66 times the size of a standard full-frame sensor. The sensor features a very high resolution of 51.4MP (8265x6192 pixels) and can record in JPEG and in Pentax’s own Raw (PEF) or Adobe DNG format.

George Schaub  |  Mar 06, 2015  | 

Photokina 2014 in Germany has been covered widely on the Internet already—including our own extensive reporting on the show on—so there’s no need for me to rehash the major announcements from the event, such as the latest full-frame cameras from Canon and Nikon and the like. My photo report here is aimed at sharing some wider ranging thoughts and perspectives on this important biennial show and what it told us about photography today and where it might be heading tomorrow.

Jason Schneider  |  Jan 28, 2015  | 

I’m hardly what you’d call a Film Dinosaur. Over 98% of the images I shoot are captured digitally. But, after I recently ran a dozen rolls of Kodak Tri-X 120 through some ancient medium-format roll film cameras, and had it developed, scanned, and printed on Fuji Crystal Archive photographic paper, I’m a much better digital photographer because of it.

Dan Havlik  |  Dec 17, 2014  | 

Phase One has started selling its new A-Series medium format camera systems, the company announced this morning. The new Phase One A-series combines the Danish manufacturer’s current medium format digital camera backs with a Travel Compact body from Alpa and a Rodenstock lens for a rustically modern set-up.

Dan Havlik  |  Nov 12, 2014  | 

In case you’ve seen some of the afternoon hubbub about how vaunted medium format manufacturer Phase One has gotten into mirrorless camera game with something called the A-Series, take a deep breath.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 19, 2014  | 

Yes, as we predicted, there’s been a ton of new photo gear announced for the photokina 2014 show in Cologne, Germany. We’re still in Cologne covering the show and there’s been so much photo gear news this past week, it’s actually hard for even us to remember some of what’s been announced.

Cynthia Boylan  |  Sep 16, 2014  | 

The Hasselblad H5D-50c has been revamped, offering a new built-in Wi-Fi module that allows users to connect Hasselblad’s Phocus Mobile software (via an iPhone or iPad) directly to the camera, enabling photographers to browse their images and control the camera without the need for a computer. Designed for flexibility and ultimate image quality, the updated model offers all of the functionality of its sibling including a 50-megapixel CMOS sensor and high ISO performance (ISO 100 - 6400).

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 16, 2014  | 

Leica introduced an upgraded S-Series medium format camera at photokina this morning: the new Leica S (Type 007) model, which features a Leica CMOS sensor and the Leica Maestro II image processor.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 09, 2014  | 

Hasselblad has just announced a brand new medium format camera body: the Hasselblad H5X. The new H5X has been introduced, primarily, as an upgrade for photographers who use the older H1, H2, H2F and H4X but may now want the H5’s upgraded capability, Hasselblad said in making the announcement. The company also forsees the H5X being used as a backup body for photographers who already own the H5D.

Dan Havlik  |  Sep 08, 2014  | 

A venerable brand in medium format photography has announced a long-awaited new system: the new 50-megapixel, CMOS sensor-based Leaf Credo 50. The Leaf Credo 50 was unveiled by Mamiya Leaf this morning, 14 years after the CMOS-based 6MP Leaf C-MOST digital back was announced at photokina 2000.

George Schaub  |  Aug 29, 2014  | 

The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) member magazines recently convened for their General Assembly to vote for the best photo and imaging products launched by the industry in the last 12 months. The voting took place during the General Assembly that was held in spring, 2014, in Vancouver, Canada.

Dan Havlik  |  Aug 12, 2014  | 

If you've wanted to make the leap from 35mm full-frame digital photography to medium-format, the start-up costs just got a whole lot cheaper.
