Buyer's Guides

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Joe Farace  |  Feb 02, 2016  |  0 comments

I think my urge to customize cameras comes from a love of cars. I can’t seem to leave my cars alone and each one has touches that make it unique. I think that’s why everybody gets really personal when it comes to finding, using, and often treasuring photographic accessories, gadgets, and gizmos. It helps if the source is obscure, foreign, and off the beaten track, which only adds to the exclusivity. And why not? The whole idea is to seek out photo accessories that accomplish something camera and lens manufacturers didn’t think to make but perfectly fills a niche in your own photographic pursuits.

Shutterbug Staff  |  May 09, 2023  |  0 comments

Now that winter has melted away and the sun is shining, it's time to capture the beauty of the outdoors. You can't go wrong with the vibrant colors and stunning natural landscapes of spring and summer. From vivid sunsets to fields of blooming wildflowers, the possibilities are endless.
