Buyer's Guides

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Joe Farace  |  Sep 05, 2017  |  0 comments

One of the hallmarks of fine art photography is the production of archival prints. Which begs the question, does the social media generation care about a print’s longevity or photographic prints at all? Maybe that changes when you drop five figures on a fine art print or hire a high-end photographer to create a portrait you expect to last as long as a traditional silver-based print.

Joe Farace  |  Mar 20, 2018  |  0 comments

“Never have I found the limits of the photographic potential. Every horizon, upon being reached, reveals another beckoning in the distance.”—W. Eugene Smith

Joe Farace  |  Oct 10, 2016  |  0 comments

In contemporary lighting equipment there are trends and there are fads with some gear seemingly having equal parts of both. And they just aren’t boxes of light anymore; they are lightsabers, small studio lights with big output, and everywhere you look it’s LED lighting in every size, shape, and price.

Joe Farace  |  May 01, 2018  |  1 comments

The following is something people tell me when I suggest using a plug-in or specialized software for enhancing or retouching portraits: “But you can do that in Photoshop!” That’s because when it comes to software for wedding, portrait, and boudoir photographs, everyone has an opinion—sometimes a strong one—even if they’re wrong.

Joe Farace  |  Aug 16, 2018  |  0 comments

We all have photography gear that we love to bring with us, whether we’re traveling around the world taking pictures, or going for a stroll in our backyard for a couple of local landscape shots. The following is the gear I find to be my essential “traveling companions” for trips both long and short.

Jason Schneider  |  Dec 20, 2018  |  0 comments

Street photography—walking around with a camera, poised to capture life on the fly—has never been more popular than it is now. Back in the day, masters like Alfred Eisenstaedt and Henri Cartier-Bresson prowled the streets with classic film-based Leica rangefinders, but today most street shooters opt for modern digital cameras.

Jason Schneider  |  Feb 13, 2018  |  1 comments

Superzoom point-and-shoot cameras are an attractive option for everyone from casual shooters to serious enthusiasts because they provide unmatched versatility and value, typically in compact, portable packages. Here are our 7 favorites.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Sep 25, 2020  |  0 comments

2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. The one thing that has stayed steady in an unsteady world though has been the variety of quality cameras that have come out in the past 12 months. This year Shutterbug once again worked with EISA, the world's largest independent collection of magazines and websites focusing on consumer electronics, to select the ten best cameras of 2020.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Nov 05, 2020  |  0 comments

Few things are as exciting as using a brand new lens for the first time. To photographers, a new lens is like an empty canvas to an artist, or a fresh storyline to a novelist. Fortunately, despite the unsettled tenor of the world situation, 2020 has witnessed an outstanding and diverse collection of exceptional lenses.

Shutterbug once again worked with EISA, the world’s largest independent collection of magazines and websites focusing on consumer electronics, to select the ten best lenses of 2020. Here are our choices. As a voting member of EISA, Shutterbug helped choose these outstanding lenses, which we feel are the best you can buy right now.

Our choices for the ten best lenses you can buy in 2020 run the gamut from super wideangle to super telephoto, and one thing is certain: not one of them will disappoint you. So, take a look at our choices for the ten best lenses of 2020 below (with links to where you can purchase them) and find something amazing to start shooting with today.

Jason Schneider  |  Oct 18, 2019  |  0 comments

Aimed at sophisticated shooters who don't mind spending a bit more on a small camera (instead of using their smart phone), the five best premium compact cameras in this buying guide have large sensors and robust feature sets that deliver outstanding performance and superior image control.

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Dec 08, 2020  |  3 comments

If 2020 taught us nothing else, we collectively learned that things can go wrong. Terribly wrong. If your photos and video footage are important to you (and, as a photographer, they should be), then you need to buy a trusty storage or backup device pronto.

Shutterbug Staff  |  Nov 24, 2020  |  0 comments

Photo gear doorbusters, deep discounts on cameras, lens sales, special pricing on photo accessories and camera bag deals, big savings on zooms, markdowns on tripods, photo price reductions, lens instant rebates – no matter what they’re called, they’re the sirens’ songs that catch your ear and direct your hand toward your wallet. And why not? In November and December 2020 around Black Friday and Cyber Monday, photographers can save some serious coin on cameras, lenses, tripods, flash and memory cards – not to mention photo bags and backpacks, filters, books, microphones, monitors and computers.

We’ve sorted out the lists of holiday specials and sales we’ve received this fall and highlighted the very best from each manufacturer. Want to save some big dough on a camera or lens? Read on…

Jon Sienkiewicz  |  Jan 19, 2024  |  0 comments

There's a lot of noise about AI right now, and most of it AIn't good. That's understandable. Even so, don't let the naysayers detour you from experiencing the most powerful photo editing tools in the universe.

If you want to discover what you've been missing, or if you're just AI-curious, here's enough to get started enjoying Adobe Firefly, the future of graphics, in its various guises.
