Need a Portrait Model? Teach a Friend How to Pose Like a Pro with 3 Simple Tips (VIDEO)

Everyone loves shooting portraits, but it’s not always easy to find an attractive model who knows how to pose for the camera. The solution is simple: Watch the quick video below and you’ll learn how to direct a friend or client to pose like a pro.

The video comes from Mango Street, a great source of no-nonsense tutorials for both capturing and editing photographs. In this video they demonstrate three simple tips for turning acquaintances into models: 1) Using straight lines and S curves, 2) Introducing motion to add interest, and 3) Being a “director” rather than a “poser.”

This may sound simple, and it is, but these tips will make a big difference in your portraits.

You can find more videos on the Mango Street YouTube channel. We’ve shared their tutorials in the past, and you may want to watch this one on fixing common beginner mistakes, another with three Lightroom tips that will improve your images, and a third with 10 tips for taking your photography to the next level.