Here’s Why Monday’s Rare Total Solar Eclipse Will Totally Blow Your Mind! (VIDEO)

Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past year, you’re undoubtedly aware that on Monday we’ll witness the first coast-to-coast total eclipse of the sun since 1918. If you’re among the many cynics who say, “I’m not interested in shooting the same photograph as millions of other photographers,” the outstanding short video below may cause you to reconsider.

Back in April we ran a comprehensive story with gear tips and how-to information for photographing this rare event. In a second post we detailed the best way to shoot videos of the eclipse.

The amazing clip below from the National Geographic YouTube channel has a different intent: It intersperses historical news footage with a modern demonstration to illustrate how special Monday’s once-in-a-lifetime photographic opportunity will be.

This three-minute clip is being spotlighted in National Geographic’s Short Film Showcase that features exceptional short works from across the globe. The outstanding videos in the Showcase were chosen for their power in telling the story of science, exploration, and nature.

After watching this three-minute video, be sure to look at our comprehensive guide to photographing the eclipse, and our tutorial on capturing the event on video

And here are links to a few more resources to make sure you are 100% ready to shoot Monday's eclipse:

Photograph August’s Rare Solar Eclipse like a Boss with This 6-Minute Video Tutorial

Here’s How to Get Epic Photographs of Next Month’s Rare Coast-to-Coast Total Solar Eclipse (VIDEO)