News & Notes
We welcome your comments on articles, photo and digital events, feedback on how we're doing, constructive criticism, and friendly advice. We reserve the right to edit for brevity and to paraphrase longer comments if necessary. You can send us letters by US mail at Editor, News & Notes, Shutterbug Magazine, 1419 Chaffee Dr., Suite #1, Titusville, FL 32780, or by e-mail at: We look forward to hearing from you!
Mamiya Loyalty Rewards
Receive a $250 Loyalty Reward Certificate from Mamiya with the purchase of any
of their eligible lenses between June 1st and December 31, 2005. Eligible Mamiya
lenses include: any 645AF (except AF 80mm); any RZ series (except 110mm); any
Mamiya 7 series (except 80mm); any 645 series (except 80mm f/2.8); and any RB
series (except 90mm or 127mm). These lenses must be purchased from an authorized
dealer in the U.S.A. For more information, contact Mamiya America Corporation,
8 Westchester Plaza, Elmsford, NY 10523; (914) 347-3300; fax: (914) 347-3309;
Free Photoflex Lighting School On Web
A new website (
offering free lighting lessons for both digital imaging and traditional photography
was recently introduced by Photoflex. It is suitable for all levels of photographers.
More than 60 step by step lessons are posted under three main categories: Lighting
Principles, Equipment Lessons, and Lighting Lessons. It is anticipated that
dozens more will be added in months to come. A comparison of different lighting
equipment is offered to assist photographers in selecting lighting equipment
appropriate to their needs. A subsidiary of Photoflex, Web Photo School (
offers a library of more than 200 lessons at a modest cost plus 15 that can
be accessed for free. For more information, contact Photoflex Products Inc.,
97 Hangar Way, Watsonville, CA 95076; (800) 486-2674, (831) 786-1370; fax: (831)
Dreamagon: US Distribution
The Dreamagon soft-focus lens now has US distribution. For more information,
contact Dreamagon-USA, 1251 "A" King St., Jacksonville, FL 32204;
(904) 389-6160;
Shutterbug on the Web
Featured Web Articles on
T his month's featured web articles concentrate on to
use a spot meter for absolute tonal control, how to shoot in low light, close-up
flash control, and more.
To access these featured web articles first go to the Shutterbug website and,
in the address bar after type in the address shown. For example,
to access the article on spot meters, first type in, then
add /features/0703sb_spot; the full address will be
Spot Metering
Learn how these handheld meters, or in-camera spot meters, give you ultimate
tonal control: /features/0703sb_spot
Low Light Photography
Tripods, fast film ...action. Get the lowdown on low-light photography techniques:
Light Tents for the Tabletop
Shadowless lighting for small product work is easy when you use light tenting
techniques: /features/1003sb_tabletop
Close-Up, Macro Flash
Use through the lens metering with flash for great macro shots: /features/1002sb_ttl
Lighting for B&W Portraits
Learn black and white lighting techniques from a portrait master: /features/0201sb_lighting
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